T* algorithm implementation

This is implementation of the T* SCI algorithm by Joanna Golińska-Pilarek, implemented by Adrian Siwiec.

You can input your formula using the following convention: You can input multiple formulas, separated by "
You will get a proof tree. The proof tree is an attempt at proving that the provided formulas, as a conjunction, are necessarily false. For example a proof tree:
--: {¬¬(p≡q)}	(is open) applied rule ¬ to ¬¬(p≡q)
  |--: {(p≡q)}	(is open) applied rule ≡⊤ to (p≡q)
  | |--: {p, q, (p≡q)}	(is open)
  | |--: {¬p, ¬q, (p≡q)}	(is ?)
Means that:
A couple of notes:

Changelog: NOTE: to see the improvements you might need to hard-refresh this page (ctrl+shift+r) to reload the binary. Otherwise you might be using the old binary (it won't work for ϕ and -ϕ below)

Click to see a labelled Tableau implementation -- a different algorithm solving the exact same problem.

You can click on the following examples to see their proof trees, or input your own formulas below.
